The majority of you probably chose skinny, while some preferred fit. Others may have seen no difference between the two and didn't choose either.
As a teen I find that all around me girls are dying (literally) to be thin like the Victoria Secret models they see on their TV screens, but is that what they really want? or is the media giving them a bad message about weight?
Here are two pictures. One girl is skinny, the other one is fit. Can you guess which is which?
Here are two pictures. One girl is skinny, the other one is fit. Can you guess which is which?
The skinny girl is to the left and the fit girl is to the right. I have no relations to these girls whatsoever, but the following is an idea of what's going on over ideal weight. Picture this; the skinny girl hasn't eaten a solid meal in days. She starves herself to lose weight, but unknowingly loses the health she once had. She gets sick more often and has even tried to throw-up after meals in an attempt to cut down on calories. As long as looks slim who cares right? WRONG. Though the fit girl to the right weighs more, she looks a lot better than the girl who's dieting herself to death.
That's what teenage girls are missing. They're being misled by the media to believe that being skinny is attractive and is ultimately the same thing as being fit. It really isn't. Being fit doesn't mean you deny yourself of eating, but to eat healthy meals and work out too to burn fat and gain muscle. Being fit means being healthy, which can lead you to a dream body, but of course you have to work for it.
I've personally always been happy with my weight. I've never had any problems and never once thought of trading my fuller body for a stick figure. I'm not overweight and I'm not underweight, but admittedly I'm not fit either.
I want to show girls through this blog that being fit is not only healthy but attractive too. Girls complain all the time that if they got fit, they'd gain weight and anything over 100 lbs is terrible! Guess what, the number on your scale is not what matters.What matters is that you are eating well, staying healthy, and being active. Don't sacrifice your health for a body that makes you look like a skeleton.
Now that I've talked the talk, I'm going to walk the walk.
Fit me, here I come.
Becoming fit starts with eating healthy not eating less.
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